MM User Manual

5.2 How to Capture, Match and Save Emails

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Migration Manager's automated Email Capture allows you to automatically capture, match and save emails from Outlook into the relevant Matters in Migration Manager. 

Once activated, Migration Managers Automated Email Capture service is designed to automatically monitor and capture email from the User's Inbox and Sent folders in Outlook and then try to match and save those emails to the relevant matters in Migration Manager. When turned on, whilst the user is logged in to Migration Manager the Automated Email Capture service will operate in the background at the set time intervals performing the following steps:

  1. It will capture and copy all emails and attachments from Outlook which have been sent and received since the last capture was performed;
  2. It will assess each of the newly captured emails to determine if they can be automatically assigned to a matter in Migration Manager;
  3. It will assess each of the emails which have previously been captured over the last 45* days to determine whether there is any new information which has been entered or updated in to Migration Manager which would now allow these emails to be assigned (i.e. a matter might have been updated with Department reference numbers, in which case if there is an email which contains this Department reference number in the subject line it will now be assigned to that Matter).
  4. Emails which have been assigned, will now be copied to the Documents tab of the relevant matter.

Your involvement with the capture system will be to check what has been captured and review those items which were not automatically matched to a matter and manual match these items where necessary.

The following article shows you how to use the Email Capture.

Note: The email capture process will only be operational whilst Outlook is open on the same computer as Migration Manager.

1. View the Captured Emails

To view what emails have been captured and matched automatically and which have not, follow these steps:

1.1. Click the Email Capture button

On the main toolbar, click the Email Capture button.

1.2. Viewing Matched, Unmatched and Conflicted Emails

The Email Capture window will default to displaying Unmatched Emails.  You can however select to view emails by various Statuses

  • All - View all captured emails.
  • Conflict - View emails that have not been matched due to a matching conflict (eg.  a single email has matching rules to two different Matters).
  • Ignored - View emails that you have previously selected in Email Capture and chosen to ignore.
  • Matched - View emails that have been successfully matched.
  • Unmatched - View emails that are still to be matched.

2. Review the unmatched emails

The emails which are grouped in the Unmatched section have not been matched and saved to a matter. These emails will remain in this section for the next 45 days or until they are successfully matched to a Matter or selected to be ignored. You now need to review these and ascertain which emails:

  1. Need to be manually matched to a Matter.
  2. Which emails need to be converted in to new matters.
  3. Which emails can be ignored.

3. Manual Match Emails

Emails which belong to Matters which have not been automatically matched and saved to their respective Matters need to be manually matched by you.

3.1. Select Emails

First, select the emails you wish to assign. To select multiple emails, hold down your Ctrl key on your keyboard and select the various emails/documents with your mouse.

3.2. Right-click and select 'Match'

Next, right-click the email(s) you wish to manually match and select 'Match' from the context menu.

3.3. Search for the relevant Matter

The Match window will now appear. To search for the relevant matter, start typing in the 'Match To' field.

Or, click the down-arrow to display all Matters.

3.4. Match the Email

3.4.1. Matching as a one-off

If you wish to just match one email to your Matter, click Match.

3.4.2. Using 'Always Match' (creating a rule)

However, if you would like emails from that email address to always match to that particular Matter, select the down-arrow next to Match, followed by 'Always Match'.

This will bring up a confirmation of the Rule to be created.  Confirm the details are correct, then click 'Confirm'.

3.5. The email is now Matched and Saved

The email will now move to the 'Matched' category and a copy of the email and any attachments will be saved to the relevant matter.

4. Convert emails to New Client Files, Matters or Leads

If there is an email in your email capture list from a potential new matter or existing client who is not yet a Matter in Migration Manager, you can convert that email into a new matter.

4.1. Select Email

First, select the email you wish to convert in to a new matter.

Important - If there are multiple emails from the same person / entity, you don't need to convert all of them. You only need to convert one and Migration Manager will then try to automatically match all of the other emails.

4.2. Right-click and select 'Match'

Next, right-click the email and select 'Match' from the context menu.

4.3. Select New Matter, New Client File or New Lead

Click the down-arrow in the Match To field and you will see the first 3 options are:

  1. New Client File.  Select this option if you would like to create a brand new Client File with a New Matter for this person.
  2. New Matter. Select this option if you would like to create an a New Matter for an existing Client File.
  3. Lead.  Select this option if you would like to create a Lead for review later.

For this example, we will create a New Client File.

Select New Client File.

4.4. Click Match

The New Client File window will appear.  Follow creation wizard to complete the file creation, or see the guide from step 2 for How to Create a new Client for a Person for step by step instructions.

The new Client File and Matter will be created and the email will be moved to the 'Matched' category. As well as this, a copy of the email and any attachments will be saved to the new matter.

5. Resolving a Conflict Email

If an email is received which contains 2 conflicting rules (eg.  one rule states that the email should go to one matter and the other rule states the email should go to a different Matter), it will be moved to the 'Conflict' status for you to resolve.

5.1. Find out what the conflict is.

5.1.1. Locate the Email

Expand the 'Conflict' Matched Status section.

5.1.2. View the Email Capture Log

Right-click on the email and select Email Capture Log.

Scroll to the bottom of the log where you can find the two or more conflicting rules:

In the above example, we can see there are two rules that Email Capture has found for this one email:

  • A rule for email address '[email protected]' to match to BARRKA.23.0037-01
  • A Subject line rule looking for the value 'BCC12345' to match to HAWKAN.23.0021

If this example, I will choose that the first rule is correct and the second rule with the BCC number is incorrect.  I will want to remove the second rule.

Click Close.

5.2. Remove the incorrect Rule

5.2.1. Go to the Auto Match Schedule

On the Main Toolbar, click the 'Auto Match Schedule' button.

5.2.2. Search for the Rule

In the Search box, type details of the rule.  In this case I want to delete the rule with BCC12345, so I simply type 'BCC12345'.

5.2.3. Delete the Rule

Right-click on the Rule, and select Delete.

The conflict has now been resolved.  To match the conflicted email, Run Auto Capture again.  At the end of the Capture process the program will try to match any unmatched emails.  With the conflict now resolved, the email will match successfully.

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