MM User Manual

2.5 How to Import a Web Questionnaire

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The Web Questionnaires enable a client to provide an agent with nearly* all the relevant information for the type of visa that is being applied for. The ability to use many aspects of the program including Templates, eLodge, etc is highly dependent on good data being in Migration Manager. The questionnaires provide an easy method for an agent to be able to collect this data and import it into Migration Manager.

To import a Web Questionnaire into Migration Manager follow the below steps.

*Please note that the questionnaire tries to cover the majority of data points required for the majority of all visas. Due to the number of visas and the resulting number of questions the questionnaire is not able to cover 100% of the field. We aim to refine the questionnaires over time to improve coverage.

1. Receive the Web Questionnaire

Once your client has completed their Questionnaire and clicked the Submit button (see How to Complete a Web Questionnaire for details on how your client does this), the Questionnaire will be received as a Portal Message. It will appear in the Document Inbox and in the Document and Progress tabs of the relevant matter. For more details on how Messages are received and how you will be notified please see: Receiving Messages and Documents from the Secure Client Portal

2. Open the Questionnaire Message

Double click the Questionnaire Message to open the message window. Alternatively, right click and click the View.

The body of the message contains details about what has taken place and the steps you should follow to import the Questionnaire data in to Migration Manager.

3. Click Review

Important: the data stored in Migration Manager is only as good as the data you import/enter. If you import a Questionnaire which contains errors or missing information that will negatively impact the effectiveness of Migration Manager. As such, before you can import the data you must first review the information which has been entered in to the Questionnaire. Click the Review button.

4. Confirm the correct Questionnaire and Matter

If the system detects a different between the primary applicant's name which has been entered in to the Questionnaire and what is already in Migration Manager you will be prompted to confirm that the data is being imported in to the correct Matter. Click Next to proceed.

5. Match People

Next you will be presented with a window that requires you to match the people from the Questionnaire to people who are already in Migration Manager on this matter. The objective is to ensure that the import process is correctly importing the right data for the right person. If you have not previously entered any one into this matter then you can proceed to click Continue.

A warning icon will appear if the If you have previously entered people you should check to make sure that the system has correctly matched the applicants and other people. If it hasn't correctly matched, then use the re-assign button to select the correct person.

You may also need to add a role to a contact if this is not prepopulated

Click Next to Continue

6. Review the Data

Review the Match Details and click Confirm to continue.

The Review window will now appear. Use the navigation pane (1) to review all of the Questions (2) and the answers which your client has provided (3).

For full details on what each of the sections and buttons are used for in this window please see: Understanding the Web Questionnaire Import screen

7. Add data to the Values to Import column

Next you will need to populate information in to the Values to Import Column. The information in this column is what will be imported in to the matter. You have the options of:

7.1. Coping the Entire Matter

Clicking Copy Entire Matter will copy all of the information which has been entered by your client from the Questionnaire Answers column to the Values to Import column  - this will be the most common option

7.2. Copying a Section or block Only

Clicking the Copy this Section Only button or the >> (copy button) will copy only the section or block of data which is currently visible. This option is useful if you only want to import a small section of data - often used when you are re-importing another questionnaire in to an existing matter.

7.3. Manually entering data

You also have the option of manually entering an answer to any of the Questions. To do this, click on the cell that you wish to insert information in to and type the relevant data.

8. Manually Adjusting Values to Import

Once you have selected to copy either a section or the entire Matter and the 'Vales to Import' have appeared, you can then edit these values if you wish.

Click the field you would like to Edit, then change the value as needed.

Tip: Exclude Sections of Data

Note that on sections which contain multiple entries of information (such as employment), you have the ability to control whether or not a section of data is imported as a new entry, excluded or, if data already exists in Migration Manager, is updated.

9. Preview Results (optional)

If you would like to see what the impact of the import of the data will be on the information that is already stored in Migration Manager on this matter, you can click the Preview Results button.

Clicking the Preview Results button will display how the data which has been added to the Values to Import column will impact the data that already exists in Migration Manager on this matter. The colours mean:

  • White = No Change
  • Yellow = The existing data will be modified
  • Green = New data will be added to a currently blank field

10. Import

Once you have finished reviewing the data and copying/typing data in to the Values to Import column, you can proceed to import the data in to the matter by clicking Import.

The import process will now commence. Please note that the time for the process to complete is dependent upon the size of the Web Questionnaire and the speed of your connection to your database/cloud server. Large Questionnaires on slow connections can take a number of minutes to complete.

11. Import Validation

You may be presented with an Import Validation screen. Items with an X indicate issues that must be corrected before importing. Items with a ! indicate items you may wish to fix, but can continue importing without doing so.

12. Finalise

Once the import has completed you will be prompted to set the Document Status. If nothing further needs to be done with this Questionnaire, set the status to Complete and click OK.

Previous Article 2.4 How to generate a Web Questionnaire Status Report
Next Article 4.1 How to use eLodge - Online Applications
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