MM User Manual

Minimum System Requirement Checklist - Compliance

Updated on

The following are the minimum system requirements needed for running Migration Manager software. In order to install and run Migration Manager you system must meet these requirements.

If you do not understand these requirements, please consult with your IT Manager who will be able to advise you.

Note: these System Requirements are current as at January 2024 and may change from time to time without notice.

1. Operating System (OS)

Windows 11, Home or Pro (64Bit) or Windows Server 2016 and later

  • 64Bit (Due to 32Bit Operating Systems only being able to access a maximum of 4GB of Ram).
  • ENGLISH versions only. System Locale must be set to ‘English (Australia)’ .
  • .Net 3.5 Required


**MAC Installations

To install onto MAC OSX, you will need to install one of the following applications along with Windows 11, Home or Pro (64Bit) : 

  • Parallels 
  • Bootcamp 
  • VMWare
  • Amazon WorkSpaces  
  • Microsoft Windows 365 Cloud PC

These applications will allow you to install a Windows Operating System. Your Windows O/S on the MAC will need to meet all the above Minimum System Requirements, including the Windows versions of Word and Outlook.

**Please note that the performance of any software running on parallels or otherwise is heavily dependent on the specifications of your computer. Here is a link to an article in our user manual containing information on Running Migration Manager on a Mac -

2. Processor

Minimum Intel 10th Gen i3 or AMD 4000 series or better. It is difficult to set a limit on what processors today will run well with Windows 11. While a computer may run Windows 11 on the minimum requirements the experience doing so will not be ideal. Migration Manager follows the industry standard of a computer older then three years being out of date and a computer older then 5 years being classed as Vintage.

We recommend a computer newer than three years from date of purchase. If your computer is between 3 and 5 years from date of purchase then you may need to test the experience of using a computer that age in your business.

We do not recommend computers older than 5 years be used to run Migration Manager.

3. Memory

16GB of RAM

16GB of RAM is required as a minimum but more RAM will nearly always help your computer system to run more efficiently (due to the nature of running multiple Windows programs whilst working with MM). If using Migration Manager in a Mac environment, resources should be set to least 8GB for the Mac System and 8GB for the Windows System.

4. Hard Disk

20GB of local free Hard Drive space.

You must ensure that you have sufficient disk space locally on ALL computers where Migration Manager will be installed.

Note: 20Gb is the minimum for the program Migration Manager to run. The collection of Client Documents may require much more space, and the space required will increase greatly over time as the number of documents grow.

5. Screen Resolution

1920 x 1080 pixels at 16‐bit colour resolutions.  100% DPI

The minimum resolution supported: 1920 x 1080. You should ensure that your PC’s Display Setting for Scaling (DPI) is set to 100% or to any setting that does not push parts of Migration Manager off the viewable area or cause scroll bars to appear.  

6. Internet Connection

Connection speed must be at  least: 8Mbps Down and 1Mps Up with a latency <100ms

We recommend you use the best/fastest internet connection available to you as high speeds and  low latency are important for smooth operation . Latency times approaching 100ms and above will start to have a significant impact on performance and may become unusable.  It is recommended that you perform a speed and latency test using  

7. Network

100 Base Ethernet or Wireless 5

It is essential that you have a good, stable network between your computers and your router/modem to ensure optimal performance of MM Cloud.  Poor Network performance will significantly affect usability.

8. File Hosting Service / Cloud Storage Service

Migration Manager needs to save documents and files to a file storage system. All users need to be able to access these files.

For MM Cloud installations you must have a cloud storage solution that supports continuous syncing of files. We support: Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive, and Box. Other cloud storage solutions may work but are not specifically supported by us.

Note: We do not support integration directly to Sharepoint. You can however use Onedrive to connect to Sharepoint, then connect to your Migration Manager files via Onedrive.

For Enterprise installations,  Cloud Storage is not required, however you may want to consider using a Cloud Storage Service as a backup location for your documents.  

Please note that for security reasons Migration Manager cannot provide technical support for your Cloud File storage.

9. Internet Browser

Google Chrome  

You must install Google Chrome internet browser; this is required for use with our eLodge systems. Some other features of Migration Manager refer to web pages therefore requiring an internet browser and a connection to the internet. 

10. Software/ Other Requirements

Microsoft (Office) 365 or Office 2019, 2021 (including Word, Excel, Outlook) 

Migration Manager integrates with the Microsoft (MS) Office suite of products, namely:

  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • MS Outlook

365 or MS Office 2019 or later must be installed on all computers where Migration Manager is to be used (including with Mac Systems on the Windows version of Office within Parallels – whether or not you have Office for Mac installed to the Mac outside of Parallels).  Versions of MS Office prior to 365 or Office 2019 are not supported by Migration Manager.

Note: Outlook must be part of the Microsoft Office Suite and not the standalone “Outlook Desktop” App.


Our technicians use LogMeIn Rescue software to install and support Migration Manager software.  All computers where Migration Manager is to be installed must be given the appropriate permission to run LogMeIn Rescue for this purpose.


You must be able to send and receive emails, using your business email address, from within the Outlook application BEFORE the Migration Manager Installation process begins. 

If you have a domain email, IE an email address that ends in and this email is hosted on Google, then you need to ensure Outlook will work correctly. Go to and follow the instructions on this page to get it working

11. System Settings

System date format must be set to dd/MM/yyyy

Permissions on the local Migration Manager application folder must be set to allow all users full control in order for Migration Manager's online updates to execute automatically. Migration Manager does not currently support the use of double byte languages such as Japanese, Arabic etc. While they can be used in MS Office only English can be used in Migration Manager.  System date format must be set to dd/MM/yyyy.

NOTE: This does not affect MM’s ability to handle emails and Word documents – Migration Manager can handle documents and emails in any language.

Display Language

Your computer Display Language must be set to English - preferably English (Australia)

Folder Permissions

Migration Manager requires users have at least Read/Write/Modify permissions over the ‘Migration Manager’ document storage folder and its sub-folders.  The recommendation is to set permissions to Full Control over these folders.

12. Windows Updates

All systems should have all Windows updates and Service Packs installed prior to installation.  Our support technicians are not authorised to do this work for you. Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 must be installed and enabled.

13. Apple Mac non‐native

Migration Manager is a Windows based application. Apple Macs need to be running a compliant Windows environment (see OS requirement above). We recommend Parallels as it provides seamless integration between the Mac and Windows environments. Memory and Hard Disk requirements will need to accommodate both Windows and Macintosh systems. For full details see Running Migration Manager on a a Mac.

14. ImmiAccount / VEVO Access

For Australian users, if you want to use Migration Manager’s eLodge online lodgement tool, you must have set up your ImmiAccount with immi Department. Furthermore, the VEVO search functionality in Migration Manager will only work if your Depertment ImmiAccount has VEVO search rights activated. Migration Manager cannot supply ImmiAccount/VEVO logon details for you.

15. Firewall, Anti‐Virus and Backups

It is recommended that all computers run both firewall and anti‐virus software, and that such software be kept up to date at all times. Some firewall and anti‐virus software can interfere with the proper operation of Migration Manager. You should always select “allow” whenever such software detects that Migration Manager is trying to connect to the internet. File system backups should be maintained and preferably kept offsite, and checked periodically to ensure those backups are effective. Firewall, antivirus and backup software are crucial elements in maintaining data security – whether or not you use Migration Manager.

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